Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mother Nature is ANGRY!!!

The ride is fast approaching! The wind is never ceasing! Tornados everywhere last night. I'm having trouble getting out there on the bike to train this year! So, I took it to the gym. I have to build stamina somehow, so I started treadmill taining! Hopefully, I'll be able to get outside soon!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

2011 - WE RIDE AGAIN!!!

So, it was 40 days until the next ride a couple of weeks ago. We are riding May 21, and time is of the essence! I have been working out, but not been able to get on my bike much. I thought the wind was bad last year, but having reread last year's entries, it's about 10mph more this year. Kevin says it's because I'm more in shape, and need more resistance...LOL! I have to get out there and brave it at some time...AND SOON!! I'm very excited about the ride! It was so much fun last year! Mineral Wells...here we come!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Few More Pics

Final Thoughts and Lessons Learned

I started off this blog saying I was trying to get out of a funk caused by a couple of personal losses. My goal was not to solve all the world's problems, just get me back in it. Trying to rejuvenate my inner self, and find joy in what has been provided. Here are some of the things I've realized.

1. I need to breathe fresh air, to feel the of warmth from the sun, and to enjoy the cool refreshment from the rain. My allergies have been non-existent since I started riding. This has kept me from missing out on lots of things I would normally be too sick to do. I have more energy, and crave being outside more and more. I suppose this is why I don't like the gym...I like being outside :-)

2. When I'm riding I think of nothing else but riding...mainly because I have to focus so much to finish what I start. Takes the stress of the day away, and builds confidence in what I'm doing. Good stuff.

3. I made a new year's resolution back in 2000 that I would do something every year that I had never done before. This was actually the start of me breaking out of my box. Obviously, this bike ride fits that resolution. The difference with this bike ride vs. any other thing I've done, is that because I had to train for it almost everyday, I got off the couch almost everyday. Other things were just one day events (concerts, sky diving, trips, etc.). I enjoyed the challenge of the daily grind.

4. Surrounding myself with motivated people is a good thing. Keeping to myself isn't horrible, however it's not as productive and lacks the luster needed to keep going when things are down. I haven't kept totally to myself, I've just been a minimalist. This was a good envelope to push.

5. I've been forced into eating healthier. I even turned down fast food today...twice!!! This is a definate change. I feel so much better when I don't eat all that junk. And, the workouts are better too. Although sometimes I have to choke down the salad, I know it's worth the effort. Not perfect yet...still like my sweets...but I think this new outlook is good.

6. I am more overweight and out of shape than I realized. I truly thought it wouldn't take much to get in shape, but I was totally wrong. I've let myself go for years, so this is going to take some work to get back where I need to be.

Overall, I am proud of my accomplishment and the side effects it has brought. I'm still in shock that I did it, but the more it sinks in, the more pleased I am. I am looking for my next big ride. Here I come!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Ride

Here we are! We dubbed ourselves the "Weekend Warriors" Diane came to pick me up, and we had our first fall. LeCreshia fell up the stairs to my front door. Not to worry, she bounced back and we were on our way to Weatherford, TX with Farfalla Viola on her first road trip.

After a fine steak dinner at Logan's Steakhouse, we parked our steady stead in our room at the Econolodge.

LeCreshia and I figured out in the motel parking lot, as she was giving her bike it's inaugural ride, that the chain was not properly attached to her bike. Diane, the master of all bike tools, came to the rescue. We had our second casualty when Diane dropped her trusty tool on her foot. You see the ice pack on her foot...OUCH!! Still she worked away getting not only the chain fixed, but Cre's new seat in place and ready for the Weekend Warriors to charge ahead.

The next morning, after a breakfast of good ol' Raisin Bran, we were off to the trail.

Here I am making biking look GOOD!!! Got all the gear I can stand, and am nervous, anxious, and literally couln't believe we were there. Couldn't believe it was already May 15th. I was also very excited...can you tell :-)

Conditions: Cloudy skies, about 70 degrees, (drum roll please)5 mph wind, can you believe it!!! I was so happy about that. Rain was supposed to come in the afternoon, so our goal was to get back by about 2ish. It was 9:30 when we started.

And we're off. Isn't it beautiful?!

About 3.5 miles into it, we stopped to take some "action shots." How'd I do? :-)

We meandered though many farms along the way, so I had to get some animal shots. I'm a city girl, and this is as close to the real thing as I get. It was very cool!!

At the 14 mile mark we were stopped in our tracks. We found out later that an earlier flood had caused a wash out hole 5 ft wide and 4 ft deep in our trail. We were rerouted through the Mineral Wells State Park, where we were going to pick up the back end of the trail.

We made it to Mineral Wells!!! This is at the entrance to the Mineral Wells State Park. A few miles up the road is where we were headed to catch the back end of the trail.

OOPS!!! That new bike seat decided to have an attitude.

We pulled in to a Chevron station, got some new tools (because we didn't actually bring any with us on the trail), and put Diane's expertise back to work. After she fixed it, we decided to have lunch at Subway. At this point we had gone 20 miles and had an appetite on the attack...growl...

We ate and had made it back to the entrance to the State Park when that seat acted up again. The Lord was definatly on our side, because after Diane and Cre had taken the seat apart, and were looking at the pieces in wonderment, a truck with two Boy Scout troop leaders, two men in their late 50s early 60s, stopped and saved the day. They put humpty dumpty back together again :-) We love the Boy Scouts of America...just wish I had thought to take thier pic...oops!!

We didn't make it to the other end of the trail, however on our way back through the state park we passed this area of the lake that was overflowing, from the recent flood, over the roadways...YIKES!!

After I took this shot (which by the way is the closest I've EVER been to a longhorn...WOAH!!) the trail had a bit of a divit from the flooding. I needed to kinda make a little jump up to get over it, and when I did...well, I missed it totally, and the bike stopped and I didn't. I landed on the bar. Although it hurt, I couldn't stop laughing at what I had just attempted and failed. They didn't see it, but man it was funny at the time.

That darn seat!!!

LOOK!!! A deer!!! Closest I've ever been to one of those too!! I was truly impressed with all the animals out there.

At the top of the tree you can barely see a cardinal. They were everywhere. There were butterflies everywhere too, but I couldn't get one of those to sit still long enough to get a shot.

Chillin' with about 10 miles to go.

Here we are at the highest point in the trail. The 6 or so miles it took to get from the last pic to this pic was a very brutal uphill climb. Obviously, on the way to Mineral Wells, we had this awesome downhill adventure, breeze in our hair, lovin' life. Coming back up was no small feat. This is our victory shot, because it was all downhill from here...WOOHOO!!!

The last half-mile. Beautiful canopy of trees and shade.

WE DID IT!!! 37 miles of bike riding for the Weekend Warriors was a success. Here's the proof in case you have doubts ;-)

I WIN!! I beat mother nature again. It's 3 to 1 right now. We got back around 4:30 and still beat the rain. In fact, it didn't rain at all the whole day!!! I set my goal, trained best I could, and conquered it well!!

Then I crashed :-) On the way home, there was an Elvis sighting. A big, gigantic blow-up thingy on top of a car dealership, with his infamous white suit and mic in hand. Every adventure needs an Elvis sighting.

Thank you Diane and Cre for a wonderful adventure!! Thank you for waiting for me to train well enough to make this ride with you. Thank you for pushing me in order to accomplish a great personal goal. Thank you Farfalla Viola for being AWESOME!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I did it!!! Now, I'm sore, tired and need to get to bed. The next couple of days I'm being pampered by my husband with a night at the Crescent and a Spa Day there as well. I'll post the story when I return. I will say, have no fear...there WAS an Elvis sighting...phew...that was a close one :-)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Interesting Development: 1 Day Left

I am glad to say that the wind is only 13mph today, and it looks like it will be the same tomorrow. The interesting development is that after 3 months of this area slowly moving into a drought, we have severe thunderstorms going on as I type. Not to be dismayed, I am headed off to Walmart for the last little doodads, and Diane is picking me up at 5. We are forging ahead with our plans despite the lastest kick in the fancy pants from mother nature. Tomorrow is the big day! I looked on the park's website and they also have a "Wildflower Bike Ride" tour on their calendar. Not that we are doing that, but I could insert some bad joke about stopping to smell the flowers here if I wanted to :-)

We do have a backup plan if we get rained out. Shopping!!! It's still a girls' weekend whether we ride or not. BUT, let me tell you...if I don't get to ride, it's not like I'm not going to come back. I've trained for this, and I'm doing it one way or another. So, off to Walmart I go. Sunscreen here I come.